This song was the first song Friday played on my radio once we got the Ipod working in the Truck. It is mystically sweet how God orchestrates divine encounters . Given this day was the day of our departure down roads of the earth and roads of the spirit.....I thought this song says it best....Enjoy!
I love the pounding of hooves
I love engines that roar
I love the wild music of waves on the shore
And the spiral perfection of a hawk when it soars
Love my sweet woman down to the core
There's roads and there's roads
And they call, can't you hear it?
Roads of the earth
And roads of the spirit
The best roads of all
Are the ones that aren't certain
One of those is where you'll find me
Till they drop the big curtain
Hear the wind moan
In the bright diamond sky
These mountains are waiting
Brown-green and dry
I'm too old for the term
But I'll use it anyway
I'll be a child of the wind
Till the end of my days
Little round planet
In a big universe
Sometimes it looks blessed
Sometimes it looks cursed
Depends on what you look at obviously
But even more it depends on the way that you see
Bruce Cockburn - (Tucson, December 24, 1989)
Hey Jewett family. I just stumbled across your blog! How are things in Colorado? How's Carrie feeling?
Oh my gosh! How wonderful to have your letter come a couple months ago! What an amazing journey you've taken since we last talked! I miss you!!!! Please let me know how you all are doing!
Someone needs to give us some family and home updates!!!!
Ha Ha Ha
Someone needs to give us some family and home updates!!!!
Ha Ha Ha
hello everyone! Apologies for the long absence and slow response. As imagined moving and transitioning has been consuming and strenuous however it has been great and we are settling in well in Colorado. Carrie has posted some pictures updates on facebook if you have a chance to take a look. Good to hear from you all!
oh, poor Jewett blog...why don't you come over to my house and I will take good care of you! :)
how are you kids? I know moving and having a new baby, #4 no less, is a lot of work...I feel your pain. please come back. we miss you!
hope the J family had a lovely Christmas. How nice to imagine what it must've been like for Mary with that sweet little boy of yours!
We love you SIX!
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