Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Best Roads of All....

This song was the first song Friday played on my radio once we got the Ipod working in the Truck. It is mystically sweet how God orchestrates divine encounters . Given this day was the day of our departure down roads of the earth and roads of the spirit.....I thought this song says it best....Enjoy!

Child Of The Wind

I love the pounding of hooves
I love engines that roar
I love the wild music of waves on the shore
And the spiral perfection of a hawk when it soars
Love my sweet woman down to the core

There's roads and there's roads
And they call, can't you hear it?
Roads of the earth
And roads of the spirit
The best roads of all
Are the ones that aren't certain
One of those is where you'll find me
Till they drop the big curtain

Hear the wind moan
In the bright diamond sky
These mountains are waiting
Brown-green and dry
I'm too old for the term
But I'll use it anyway
I'll be a child of the wind
Till the end of my days

Little round planet
In a big universe
Sometimes it looks blessed
Sometimes it looks cursed
Depends on what you look at obviously
But even more it depends on the way that you see


Bruce Cockburn - (Tucson, December 24, 1989)

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Goodbye Indy!

I think the reality of leaving is setting in a little bit. I have been angry lately, and I think one contributing factor is that life is moving towards this moment so fast, and the reality of perfect goodbyes with everyone is impossible. This is the end of a chapter of our lives....perhaps a volume....and we are beginning to write the next.

This past weekend in Indianapolis was our last, and no longer will be 3 hours away capable of the 1/2 dozen our so annual visits that took place over the last 6 years since we moved away. Indy will always hold a place of significance in our journey and we leave behind lots of memories and friends.

Obviously our friendships do not end....but the distance makes the frequency of visits much more difficult, and we realize things will change. I don't even like to write that down. A part of me wants to hold on to this chapter a little bit longer as if more time would allow for a "better ending".

That of course if an emotional response, but it has been interesting to encounter all of the emotion that is surrounding this next step.

I am encountering much that has not been anticipated within myself as we take this journey.....some thoughts......

I am realizing that with great risk comes great sacrifice! If you want to move forward you have to let go and risk boldly!

I have realized that any grandiose or sentimental vision of the future must be crucified for obedience in the moment we now hold.

I am beginning to realize the necessity of suffering to truly understand joy. I am realizing that fear of failure is a great reason to keep trying.

I am realizing that a Great Idea with no action will always be a GREAT IDEA! I have realized that a great idea with action often results in a better idea that requires action.

I am realizing that I don't nearly appreciate the gift of my family enough, and how essential they are to my Salvation. I am not worthy of them.

I am realizing that the many friends and family we are leaving are a gift and that we are very rich people for being blessed with so many people that Love, Pray, and Care for us immensely.

...And now for the first of many goodbyes we don't really now how to do perfectly....Goodbye Indianapolis.....We Love You!

Thursday, June 05, 2008


I don’t have a large collection of CDs or for that matter a vast array or artists I like…just a few. And for some reason Bill Mallonee keeps finding his way to the top of my list. Honestly, some of his music I just don’t get, but then there are songs that just nail it for me…..Kind of the same with Bruce Cockburn.

I seem to relate to these guys particularly on the pain side of things. I guess they put into words what I can’t and whether or not it makes sense to anyone else….I can relate.

My recent life is fairly calculated with the move to Colorado and all the planning, preparing and work that goes into making this transition. These last 6 months have felt like a Perpetual “To Do List”, and I find myself 6 weeks from moving with the same damn “To Do List”.

So, when I got an email from “Bill Mallonee News” stating he was in town Monday night for the last show of this tour in St. Louis at my favorite club, “Off Broadway”……my heart jumped…only to be laughed at by my “To Do List”.

…But as fate….The Lord’s Mercy….would have it, a recent dinner date with our friends, Eric and Liz Hehman, was canceled a week ago, only to be rescheduled for Monday night….on the Hill in St. Louis….mere miles away from Off Broadway. To sweeten the pot, Eric Hehman was a V.O.L. fan from the early 90’s. Eight Dollar tickets were too hard to pass up, so we abandoned our pregnant wives later in the evening for some bonding with Bill……yeah, it is wrong on many levels……welcome to Struggleville!

I linked to Bill’s MySpace page only to come across these lyrics that my “bloodied lil’ heart” could relate with. It has been a desert of sorts lately….

“flowers growing out of the desert
flowers out of parched ground
flowers coming right up through the cracks
of the pavement in this old town

flowering’s not a science,
no, it’s more like a fine art
flowers coming right up through cracks
of our beat up, broken-down, bloodied lil’ hearts”

- Bill Mallonee ~Album: PermaFrost

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Colorado Bound!

We are Moving!

While this is maybe a surprise to many, this decision has been in the making for the past year and a half. Given that Carrie and I have been in the midst of this decision for so long now, it is somewhat surreal to be talking about this publicly. It is also notable that since we have in essence made the decision to move a long time ago, the reality that we are moving in 3 months is just beginning to sink in…

We have begun to recognize things as the “the last time we will….”, and that has a sobering affect. We are completing a chapter in our lives, and the next is yet to be written…but as Father Andrew reminded us as we entered the Lenten Season this year, “You are not leaving yet and there is Great Spiritual Work to be done before that time.” There is so much truth in that reality of living in this moment…Today is the day of Salvation!

So for the few who may wander upon this blog whom we have shared our lives with and may appreciate this journey, I offer this as a reflection of the journey to this decision.

(A picture of Carrie and I at Sr. Teen Camp my freshmen and Carrie's Sophmore year of High School. Little did we know 7 years later we would be considering marriage!!)

In 1999 Carrie and I answered a call of ministry. Throughout 1998 I felt the Lord very directly placing a burden on my life to pursue him, and honestly, Like Jonah I was running away. But, the Lord got a hold of me through the writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and I had to face God’s calling with “Simple Obedience”, as Bonhoeffer put it. So I/We said, Yes! Not anticipating anything tangible, but 6 months later in May of 1999 we were moving across country with a Uhaul Trailer to Washington State, and Warm Beach Camp and Conference Center. Christian Camping had an impact on Carrie and my life in a very positive way, and something “Big” surrounded this desire to serve God in the capacity of Christian Camping….but this idea was being shaped by our attempt at obedience and we soon realized that our hearts were more geared towards something “longer” than a week at camp.

(Minutes before leaving for Washington....without Sami...that was hard!)

(Weekly Bible Study with the Warm Beach Camp Staff.....we miss you guys!)

We realized that the environment of camp had an impact on the lives of many youth, but the transformation of lives, habits, disciplines, and hardeness of heart takes time! Our hearts began to lean towards the possibility of a Long Term Camp focused on discipleship and focused on the most critical stage of our young adult lives…Post High School to Post College (18 – 30 years old). So many things are decided during this time period, for good or bad, which affect the rest of our lives so the idea of having a program that might last from 3 months to 1 year to hopefully ground young adults in the faith, learn discipline, begin to crack the hardness of heart, and begin a life of earnest repentance and pursuit of God….well, we desired it for ourselves.

This idea began to take shape and was continually molded through our years in Indianapolis, IN, where I served as Youth Pastor at West Morris Street Free Methodist Church. It was here in Indianapolis, that I met people from a church community called the Evangelical Orthodox Church (EOC), who became my dear friends and the collision of our lives paths has proven to be a divine encounter. To the many in this community, we will forever be indebted.

(WEMO Youth Group in Seattle, WA.....can you guess the location?)

(Cory Gliege (EOC Youth Pastor in 2001), "Weasel", and myself following joint youth group with EOC and the West Morris Youth Group (WEMO). Cory and I often had breakfast together to discuss God, Guns, and Rock-n-Roll....hey, I should write a book about that...wait Ted Nugent already did? Darn!)

As I was in pursuit of becoming a good “Wesleyan” and seeking to understand the historical significance of John Wesley and the faith of which I was born and raised, I desired to understand what was known as the “Cornerstone Doctrine” of Wesleyanism….Entire Sanctification. Although the Wesleyan Theology Syllabus suggested this as being uniquely Wesleyan, I knew that if this belief of Salvation was True it had to be True at all Times, and must have had it’s roots in the early church. It was through my research of Wesleyan Scholars that I discovered this link with Wesley and the Early Church, through St. Macarius of Egypt.

At the same time I was in the midst of my journey, the Evangelical Orthodox Church of West Indianapolis was in the midst of coming home to the historic “Early Church”, which is today known as the Eastern Orthodox, or Holy Orthodox Church.

There is enough details for a book at this stage, but nevertheless, the Holy Orthodox Faith began to further transform our vision of this ministry that we felt called to pursue, and the next 6 years in Greenville, IL would be the most significant formational years of our spiritual lives and vision of the ministry that we were being called to as we are ourselves journeyed back to the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church.

In 2003 and 2004 we held what became known as "The Ranch Council". In 2003 we met in Seattle, WA, and 2004 in Greenville, IL. The purpose of doing this was to soldify if this "vision" of a discipleship ministry was of God....or of ourselves. We felt led to press on after 2003 and had a great meeting in 2004 as well, however our "becoming Orthodox" was having a bigger affect on the vision of this "Ranch" than we ever realized. As Orthodoxy was shaping Carrie and I, it was subsequently shaping our vision of the Ranch, and we soon decide to forgo future "Ranch Councils". There was a sense that we (Carrie and I) were forcing something that was not ready, and we realized that we had more immediate work to do before we could begin thinking about the "Ranch" again.

We informally became catechumen's over the next year and a half. Our good friends the Beechams moved in with us, and we began doing Reader's services in our house. We began alternating months between us going to Indianapolis for services and catechism, and members of St. John's Orthodox Church coming to Greenville for the same reason. St. Paul's Free Methodist Church even allowed us space to perform services and on 2 occasions we held Vesper's services followed by Question and Answer Time. One of these services was featured in an Orthodox Publication in Indiana.

(Fr. Joseph censing those in attendance during one of our "Living Room Services". This was followed by a Catechism Lesson.)

A group of college student's became regular attenders that year and even attended the Forgiveness Vesper's service at the beginning of Lent in Indianapolis. In 2005 we attended Pascha(Orthodox Easter) for the first time. In hindsight I am glad that we did not attend Pascha back in 2000 or 2001 when we first started journeying in this direction, because we may have just quit and become Orthodox on the spot..jk! However, any excuses we still held onto we let go of, and on Bright Monday we spoke with Fr. Joseph Gibson about being received as catechumens....officially. Pentecost of 2005 we became catechumens, and a little over a year later on September 17th, 2006 (The Feast Day of St. Sophia), we were received into the Holy Orthodox Church.

(Wyatt being Chrismated....picture says the

In October of 2006, while journaling from my Tree Stand during bow season in Illinois, I felt the Lord opening a window of time to be open to this calling we first began pursuing back in 1998. I journaled, “….These years in Greenville have taught me “presence” as well and I am learning to be present and tuned into what he is doing in our midst…at this moment…….These past two years I have been given a short period to consider the Ranch (discipleship ministry) and whether or not it was time…….the answer was clearly, NO……….this year’s answer maybe the same, but for a short time I will re-visit this in prayer and pay attention.”

The result of that prayer was a trip to Colorado Springs in February of 2007 in which a good friend, Luke Beecham and I went to speak with a Fr. Anthony Karbo, of Holy Theophany Orthodox Church in Colorado Springs. I wanted Luke, a dear friend and Christian Brother of mine, to come and help discern this time together.

(Luke, Shelby and I on February 2007 Trip...prior to meeting with Fr. Anthony)

This trip opened a door to a trip to California in May, which also was life changing trip for me. During this trip I was part of the early development of a similar ministry to the one we had begun pursuing many years ago.

Fr. Damian Kuolt invited me out, and I had the gift of being able to visit the tomb of St. John Maximovitch, St Herman of Alaska Monastery, and St. John Maximovitch Monastery….all in California. So much happened on this trip and I am forever grateful for Fr. Damian arranging this trip to include me.

(picture with Bishop Benjamin of the Western Diocese OCA, following meeting together)

(picture with Fr. Damian and his wife following meeting about ministry with Bishop Benjamin. In front of Raphael House)

(Fr. Damian, Abbot Jonah, and Abbot Gerasim surveying land for possible ministry location)

(meeting with Fr. Damian, Steve Robinson, and myself about ministry)

The significance of this trip ultimately resulted in the affirmation of us to continue moving ahead with the leading we had felt in February of 2007, to move to Colorado Springs the Summer of 2008.

Our family visited the church community in September of 2007 and the doors continued to open. It was also becoming clear at this point that my current job may continue as the growth in our family business was allowing the possibility to continue my labors for the company and make this step as well…..we were quickly running out of excuses to pursue with faith and obedience.

(Sophia and I on our trip to Colorado in September of 2007. Carrie, Wyatt, and Emmy flew out and met us in Denver.)

In January of 2008, we sealed our decision as we purchased a lot and moved ahead with the construction of a new home…..yes, in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

(Lot where are new home in Colorado Springs is being built)

Our anticipated move date depends on the completion of the home, but somewhere between July 1st and August 18th, 2008.

This is another small step of faith in the direction of the Lord's leading. There is nothing tangible in terms of a camp or ministry yet, but this is the step we are being called to take right now. Our first steps will be getting established in the church community of Holy Theophany Orthodox Church, learning my job from a remote location, and beginning home schooling with Wyatt in the fall.

I am certain if we could see further down the road we might not be able to handle it! Lord Have Mercy!

More could be told, but I think this serves the purpose of a reflection.

Please pray for us as we try to be obedient to the step we believe the Lord is asking us to take!

Also, please write or call us if you want to know more.....thanks for reading!